Lithuanian Historical News Sources


  • Lithuanian Emigrant Newspaper Digital Archive (Lithuanian Research and Studies Center)
    Newspapers published by emigrants from Lithuania over the course of the 20th-century. For description of the project and search instructions, consult this Project Summary.

  • ePaveldas Periodicals Collection (Martynas Mažvydas Lithuanian National Library)
    Lithuanian-language periodicals published in Lithuania (1832-1940), including the municipal newspapers of Klaipėda [Raudonasis švyturys (1945-1950)] and Šiauliai [Raudonoji vėliava (1944-1974)], as well as newspapers in other languages (Russian, Polish, German, etc.)

To find a specific (known) newspaper title:
1.       Go to the "Advanced Search
2.       Limit the “Search field” to "Title"
3.       Click on the newspaper title to open catalog record
4.       Click on the hyperlinked year of publication

To find a list of newspaper titles:
1.       Navigate to "Advanced Search
2.       Limit the “Search field” to "Subject"
3.       Enter keyword "Newspapers" in “Search text”
4.       Limit the results as follows:
a.       Select "Digital object type: Text"
b.       Select "Object type: Periodical documents"
c.       Select "Release Country" (i.e. country of publication)

Using this search procedure to locate a list of “Newspapers” published in Lithuania ("Lietuva"), yields 414 "heritage objects," only 44 of which are "text" (click the box next to the number of listed “heritage objects”). 

To conduct a full-text newspaper search:
1.       Navigate to "Advanced Search
2.       Limit the “Search field” to "Full-text"
3.       Enter a search term or keyword in “Search text”

To conduct a full-text search in a specific newspaper title:
1.       Find the title (as described above)
2.       Click on the newspaper title to open catalog record
3.       Click on the hyperlinked year of publication to open the image of the scanned newspaper
4.       Click on the “Full-text document” hyperlink at the top of the screen to open a searchable .pdf file
5.       Use CTRL-F to open a search box and conduct your search


  • TBD


  • TBD

Online catalogs & bibliographies

  • Microfilm from the National Library of Lithuania (Library of Congress)
    Alphabetical list of LC’s collection of microfilmed holdings of late 19th- and early 20th-century German, Lithuanian, Polish, Russian and Judaic periodicals (including newspapers) in the custody of the National Library of Lithuania.

  • List of Lithuanian-language periodicals (Wikipedia)
    Brief description of 101 periodicals, including newspapers, published between 1823 and 1904.